Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Thank you for being interested in advancing Local 22’s standing within our communities by engaging in the political process. This program is designed to assist in delivering positive social, political, economic, and environmental change to our industry and our Local Union.
Many of our participating members will learn the vital role politics play in ensuring our success as a Local Union. We are responsible for knowing about all projects being considered within our jurisdiction. Utilizing this information, the Local Union will contact the owners and educate them on why the IBEW is the right choice!
Read the booklet for a guide to help you understand more about the Industry Advancement Committee, your role, and what is expected of you. With your help, we will continue to be the leaders of our industry and successfully further the IBEW's purposes for future generations.
I thank you again and look forward to working with you.
Barry Mayfield, Jr.
Business Manager
Please take the time to read the Industry Advancement booklet found here.
These Boards Are Currently Available
CB City Council |
Iowa Western Community College |
Papillion City Council |
CB Planning Commission |
La Vista Planning Commission |
Papio-Missouri NRD
CB Public Schools |
Pottawattamie County Board |
Columbus Public Schools |
Metro Community College |
Sarpy County Board |
DC West Community Schools |
Millard Public Schools |
University of NE Board of Regents |
Douglas County Board |
Norfolk City Council |
Valley City Council |
Douglas County Planning Commission |
Norfolk Public Schools |
Washington County Board |
Elkhorn Public Schools |
Omaha Airport Authority |
Westside School Board |
Fremont City Council |
Omaha Planning Board |
Fremont Planning Commission |
We are adding State and County Democrat and Republican Central Committees to the Industry Advancement program. If you are interested, complete an application at the Hall Office. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Hall at or (402) 331-8147.
These Committees Are Currently Available
Nebraska State Party Committee |
Iowa State Party Committee |
Nebraska Counties |
Iowa Counties |
Burt, Cass |
Adams, Cass |
Colfax, Cuming |
Fremont, Harrison |
Dodge, Douglas |
Mills, Page |
Sarpy, Saunders |
Pottawattamie, Shelby |
Stanton, Washington |
Taylor |